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Great Reads for Little Ones

I checked out We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury because I had fond memories of seeing my father read it to some of my younger siblings (my youngest sibling is 15 years younger than I am, and there are five others between us). I love the illustrations in this classic story of kids off on an adventure with Dad.

Storm is Coming!, written by Heather Tekavec and illustrated by Margaret Spengler tells of how a farmload of animals take shelter in the barn because there is a storm coming. The animals are relieved when it gets dark, because Storm won’t find them. The animals tell one another that the rain will wash away their tracks, and lightning will blind Storm. Sure enough, it is the farmer and not Storm who appears when the sun comes out. Cat’s reaction to the entire situation lends additional humor.

I was already planning to review Click, clack, moo: Cows that type, written by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Betsy Lewin, when my 19-year-old sister brought it up during a phone conversation as a great book. So this is a story that charmed me as a mom, my two toddlers (Johnny moos along with the cows), and my single, college student sister. After all, what is not entertaining about cows that type?

I’ve mentioned before that Emma loves the alphabet. Z Goes Home by Jon Agee is an alphabet book that she and I both enjoy. I like the idea of the letter Z from a Zoo sign going home at the end of the day. The letters of the alphabet are cleverly built into the landscape as Z journeys home, and I like the homely atmosphere when Z arrives home to his alphabet family.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

4 thoughts on “Great Reads for Little Ones”

  1. Josh loves “Click, Clack, Moo.” He checked it out every week for months from the school library. I think they finally told him he couldn’t check it out anymore after about 4 solid months. :)

  2. I love to hear about great children’s books. We read so much that I like want to make sure that I like the books as much as the children!

  3. I’ve been very disappointed by our recent trips to the library when we go and just check out whichever books look interesting. I don’t always get the chance to read through them before we leave, so it’s not until we get home that I realize the books contain things I don’t want to read with my kids. The next time we’re going to the library I’m going to look back through your posts on books and check to see if our library has them. I appreciate your sharing!

  4. Great recommendations. Thank you! Being under the weather with strep lately, my daughter misses my reading to her at bedtime, so I taped a story this evening for my husband to play for her while she followed along (in response to my recorded “pings” of finger cymbals!). I look forward to checking out some of the books you suggest that are new to me/us.

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