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Grandpa P

Johnny with Grandpa P on his 86th birthday last year

I lost one grandfather in July, and now I have lost the other. Grandpa P was a World War II paratrooper, and he worked for the Boy Scouts of America for many years. He loved fly fishing, and he always let us give it a try, along with making arrowheads and shooting a long bow. My mom had his old parachute, and we played with it for hours. In childhood, Grandpa mesmerized me with tall tales told so convincingly that for years I believed the impossible tales of a bear who ate himself up and a flock of geese who flew off with a lake frozen to their feet. We spent hours playing Mancala, Four Kings in a Corner, and Triominoes, and he always had popcorn and lemonade for grandchildren to enjoy, as well as an assortment of candy. Grandpa loved music, and I loved that when I played the piano and sang in their living room he always came in to listen. He always knew how to make me feel beautiful and appreciated.

Grandpa had an incredible memory for places and dates, and fascinating stories to tell from his childhood, youth, and career. He adored my grandma, and there was never any question that he considered her the most beautiful woman in the world. I was able to see him several times in the past couple of years, including a lovely evening with my kids when we were in Utah in July. I am so grateful for that, and to have had him in my life for so many years. Grandpa, I miss you. Thank you for teaching me to smile, laugh, and savor the happy details of life.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

35 thoughts on “Grandpa P”

  1. Oh…I miss my grandpa. He was past away when I was young. Same as in the photo we have a nice bonding and he never scolded me at all. He love me so much. With your photo I remember my grandpa. Hope he is happy right now.

  2. Oh Mary Anne, I am so sorry! MY hugs and condolences across the ocean. Will you be out to Utah again?

  3. Oh, I am so sorry, Mary Anne. It is a wonderful thing though to have memories to recall, and better yet, to have pictures to go with them as you have above.

    Grandparents are such treasures and the memories we have of and with them are priceless.

    My prayers are with you and your family.

    I’ve also had you in my thoughts this week for Emma’s first day of school. I’ll be thinking of you…

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. You have such wonderful memories of your grandfather and you are so blessed to have had him in your life for so long.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like an amazing man. I got a giggle out of the story about geese flying away with a frozen lake on their feet.

  6. Your grandfather P was an amazing person. May he rest in peace. It’s great that your children got to know him in person.

  7. Oh MaryAnne, what wonderful memories you have of both your grandfathers. I am so sorry for your loss.

  8. Big hug, MaryAnne. Your grandpa is amazing. That he was full of love for his own family is wonderful to read about (I loved your description of his adoration of your grandma), but that he had such a big heart for his grandchildren and so much to share with them, is even more lovely. I am so glad you got to spend time with him this summer, and that he got to spend time with E, J and L, too. So many good memories!

  9. Oh Maryanne, I’m so sorry. I’m sending you a great big hug through cyber space. I’m so glad you have so many happy memories of him.

  10. Hi MaryAnne.
    I am so sorry for your loss!
    I couldn’t believe it when I read it! What a rough summer!
    There is a lot of people who never got to meet their grandparents,weren’t so close to them or haven’t seen them for years. You are blessed to have such wonderful relationships with both of your grandfathers and such amazing memories! It is fortunate your children got to know them even for a little bit!
    May you and your family be comforted with the knowledge that they lived a good and fulfilled lives and will be remembered and cherished by many.
    ooo ♥

  11. You’ve very lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with both grandfathers, and in turn will have many memories to cherish of them and pass on to your own children. Thinking of you…

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