By now, regular readers know my three “big” kids pretty well; I thought it was high time I helped you get to know Anna a bit better! As anyone who follows me on Instagram knows, Anna is a very smiley baby! She was smiling from birth, and laughing by the time she was a few days old. Anna is a lot of fun to take places, because she greets perfect strangers with coos and giggles as if to say, “Oh, you understand that life is amazing, too? How wonderful!”
Being so extroverted can be a bit tiring for a little three-month-old, and I have noticed that being out and about makes her sleep more than usual. Anna is not a huge fan of tummy time, but she’s willing to tolerate it for our sakes. Anna will nap lightly one day, and sleep for hours the next; she nearly always sleeps well at night.
Anna adores her three older siblings, and is quite patient with their desire to smother her with affection. Mike and I both find sitting and holding her highly addictive.
We are all so grateful to have this beautiful little girl in our lives!
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
She is beautiful!
Thank you, Stefanie!
You are so blessed! She is adorable.
Aww!!! I just love this baby!!!
I may be biased, but I think she’s pretty perfect :)
What a beautiful baby girl! I just love her cheeks!
Thank you, Kendall :)
Such a beautiful smile! Happy, giggly babies are awesome.
Has it been 3 months already? Wow, time does fly? She’s so adorable.
Time goes by way too quickly…
So sweet. I haven’t started using Instagram; it’s just one more thing on my to do list!
Instagram is lots of fun!
I love her smiles!
She sounds like a joy! What a cutie!
Beautiful girl!
Thank you, Chrissy!
She was so smiley and happy today! Thanks for taking time to meet with me today! I really enjoyed it!
Thank YOU! I really enjoyed our get-together!
Make me miss baby time!! The last 15 months have flown by. Anna sounds a lot like how Sky was as a baby. Wow 3 years ago!!
They grow up so fast, don’t they!
Thank you so much for letting us all get to know your little sweetheart. She’s beautiful and I’m sure she captures the hearts of everyone with all of those smiles and coos. :) And a good sleeper! I’m so happy for you all.
She is a joy :)
She’s a doll!
What a gorgeous girl with a gorgeous disposition. So happy for all of you.
Thank you!
So glad to get to know your sweet smiley Anna a bit better! She is both adorable and personable!! :)
So precious, what’s better than baby smiles?
I need to start following people on Instagram. I haven’t really done that yet. Now to figure out HOW to do that.
Ha ha, I am theoretically following you now!
She is SO smiley, it’s fun to see.
Send me your username and I’ll follow you, then you can follow back :)
She is absolutely adorable!!
I love her smile!!!