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Friendship Stories and Activities

making a book

We made books without staples using this tutorial from Adventures in Mommydom! We used the MeMeTales Readathon book, Lott’s Tea Party, as our inspiration for stories. Emma (six years old), being in her current very literal mood, retold the story – although she used a narrative style rather than the action word format found in the actual book.

preschooler book-making

Johnny (four years old) drew StickFiggy going to bed, and having various adventures. Johnny LOVED making these little books, so StickFiggy went on a lot of adventures! Both of the StickFiggy books we read had a strong friendship theme, and so it’s appropriate that Johnny’s stories featured many friends of StickFiggy!

two-year-old book-making

Lily (two years old) drew Lott (in pink, in the above photo), as well as the chick from StickFiggy Makes a Friend (pictured below) for her book.

two-year-old chick drawing

Each of the kids also enjoyed this cute printable, made by the author, Jane Marshall, to go along with StickFiggy Makes a Friend.

six-year-old speech bubble

Emma stayed within the story plot, while Johnny’s baby bird spoke standard bird gibberish:

four-year-old speech bubble

Lily’s baby bird is saying Lyli – she knows the letters of her name, and spells them out in order, but rarely writes them in order.

two-year-old speech bubble

The kids also enjoyed this printable for Lott’s Tea Party:

coloring a scene from "Lott's Tea Party"

Do you have any favorite friendship-themed books that you can recommend for us to read?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

19 thoughts on “Friendship Stories and Activities”

  1. Aw I love “Lyli”, how cute! For the longest time my middle son would see someone’s (anyone’s) name written and say, “Oh, there is my T-T-T! (That’s how he spelled his name for quite awhile, LOL. Great post! I love the idea of making books.

  2. Elisa | blissfulE

    Beautiful photos of your kids drawing and colouring in!! Michael writes a lot of gibberish similar to Johnny’s – it’s so fun to see!

  3. Johnny’s bird’s words phonetically DO kind of sound like a chick! LOL! Great photos~ what a mom you are!

    1. I hadn’t even noticed that – too funny!

      My kids LOVED your printables – thanks so much for providing them to go along with your fun books! I have a house full of StickFiggy fans now! :)

  4. jeannine: waddlee-ah-chaa

    You know how much we love early explorations with writing over at waddlee-ah-chaa! These books make me smile!

  5. They both sound like great books. The artwork is adorable. I love that Emma retold the book literally :)

  6. This is fantastic! Reagan loves to make books. She has made so many this year and right now we have them all in a binder. I think it will be fun to look back at them in the future. I have always wanted to write a novel; I wish I had the confidence of a child to just do it and not second guess myself so much. Ah, to be a kid.

  7. This is awesome!
    Luke is my book maker..he has made a book everyday for the last year. He doesn’t actually write the words, like your kids…but he loves to make books…mostly on traveling, all the different countries he wants to go to!
    I just bought a binder for him, so we can bind his books, they keep getting ruined..and he loves his books!
    Your such a fantastic mom!

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