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Feeling Grateful (Week in Review)

the ways kids show their mothers that they love them

I had a truly wonderful week. My kids (led by six-year-old Emma) made me lots of presents to make me feel loved, and collected them all into an envelope, which they also wrapped up.

child-made birthday present for mom

Emma drew me a ladybug and listed things the kids love about me. Two-year-old Lily made me the purple mom and baby triangle people, and four-year-old Johnny made me this little play set:

child-made toy

It’s a guy and his house, which consists of a bed and TV. I think it’s sort of funny that my kids rarely ask to watch television, but always feature TVs prominently in the houses they make. Emma also drew me this lovely picture:

celebrating mom

Can you tell there was a major rainstorm going on while she was drawing?

Mike also made spectacular French toast for breakfast and cedar plank grilled salmon for dinner on my birthday. And took the kids to see a parade while I stayed in the nice cool house! Then Saturday we had a birthday lunch at my sister’s, complete with fantastic chocolate cake.

3D baby ultrasound

On Friday we got a brief 3D glimpse of our tiny baby girl! She reminded me of Emma, seeing the image on the screen, and now looking at the picture at home she looks like Lily to me. I’m so excited to meet her in a few weeks!

raised garden bed

The weather this summer seems to be doing wonders for my garden, which I pay very little attention to apart from planting seeds, picking produce, watering on those rare occasions when it doesn’t rain in New England, and occasionally pulling a weed. We have tomatoes, peas, two kinds of squash, and some Zinnias just for fun!

Another raised garden bed

This is our second year using the Lifetime Raised Garden Bed Kit, and I love that it keeps the weeds out almost entirely. It seems to help with the animals a bit, as well, although I doubt it would do much to protect our strawberry plants and blueberry bush (planted up near the house) from the always-hungry chipmunk. We have managed to salvage a record three blueberries from the chipmunk this year – no strawberries, although there were plenty of green ones growing!

I also finished the girls’ dresses and packed a hospital bag, making progress on my goals!

July 4th marked the end of the Small Hands Creating Hope fundraiser – we were able to raise $1,165 for the American Cancer Society. Thank you so much to all who contributed!!!

How was your week?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

17 thoughts on “Feeling Grateful (Week in Review)”

  1. jeannine: waddlee-ah-chaa

    I love all of these sweet notes! Makes my heart smile.

    And the garden looks great. We are once again experiencing a drought in South Texas. Very hard on our square foot gardens.

  2. Wow! What a lovely week! The artwork is beautiful and that 3-d photo is a amazing. You sound a lot like the kind of gardener I am. I only occasionally water and some how tomatoes are growing our garden that we didn’t even plant!

  3. What a terrific week! Baby Anna is looking beautiful, and I am looking forward to her first pictures!

  4. Awesome week of fun!!!
    I love the drawing with the rain…that is quite the storm! :)
    I love the 3d of your baby girl…so fun!!!

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    I love how your children each thought of something special to make for you. :) The ultrasound is just incredible, with so much detail! And your garden is so lush! A fabulous week for you indeed!! :)

    1. The 3D ultrasound was so neat! I had never had one done before, and it is pretty amazing! Apparently they can get even better pictures, but the tech wasn’t used to using the machine we got put on so she was pretty limited in what she could show. So incredible!

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