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February Goals

chopping apples to make applesauce

Chopping apples to make applesauce

I’m so glad I kept January goals simple! The one goal I tried to add (making mittens) vanished completely when most of us got sick.

Apart from illness, it was a wonderful month! We announced the August arrival of a fourth child to our kids, with some entertaining reactions. The kids learned about how iodine reacts with starch, and how yeast makes bread rise. They enjoyed playing with ice and snow, even painting construction paper with icicles! Most of the planning for Emma’s birthday party is done – invitations are out, and nearly everyone has RSVP’d! We stuck with a handful of kids from school, because our small house can only hold a limited number of kids. Emma even got a start on Valentines for next month – I love that she is making each one unique!

We have increased our fruit and veggie intake, but there’s still work to do – especially with my one veggie-avoiding kiddo… I didn’t spend nearly as much time de-cluttering as I would have liked to, but we did pretty well on kid-focused time – and found days more joyful as a result!

In February, I hope to:

  • Help the kids make fun valentines for classmates. Target Area: gratitude
  • Enjoy Emma’s birthday party. Target Areas: gratitude and peace
  • Enjoy February break – the kids get an entire week off school! Target Areas: health

Keeping things simple again – no education-specific goals, even although I’m sure we will be doing some fun learning activities, as always. With a baby on the way and plenty of changes going on (Emma just switched from morning to afternoon kindergarten, for example…) it will be enough. I’m blogging about an amazing project I’m honored to be a part of tomorrow, so be sure to read that post! =)

What are your goals for February? I’d love for you to link up and share!

monthly goals at mama smiles

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “February Goals”

  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    Oh, Michael would love it if I let him chop apples with a butter knife! Thanks for the idea…

    Your goals sound lovely, and I hope you are all well soon.

  2. Did Emma have to have classes to go to an afternoon K? I think Anna wouldn’t take well to changing classes and teachers. Good luck on your February goals!

  3. Do you like morning or afternoon kindergarten better? I’m thinking mornings would be too early, but afternoons might go too late? How is it working?

    1. We just started, so it’s hard to say. I think afternoons are nice, though, because there’s not the morning rush. Although Johnny still has morning preschool…

      Today Emma got sent home sick with a fever, which means she misses tomorrow too at the least – so it may take a while to figure out which is better! I knew it was too good to be true when she was staying healthy…

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