My daughter Anna loves craft activities, and this autumn-themed suncatcher was a big hit! I got the idea after seeing these fun Halloween Silhouette Suncatchers at Creative Family Fun, but as you can tell ours wound up feeling more autumn themed than Halloween themed.
Fall Suncatcher Preschool Craft
Silhouette suncatchers are super easy to make. All you need is contact paper, some construction paper for the silhouettes, and tissue paper for the stained glass effect. You can cut your tissue paper into squares for a more defined effect, or tear it. Anna chose to do a mixture of both.
I am a big fan of personalizing structured crafts, so when Anna asked for a purple cat instead of a black cat, I went with it. She chose to draw lots of fun things on her purple cat, and then she asked for a small “baby” green dog to play with the cat. I went with a toy terrier because it is something I can kind of draw, and a toy terrier puppy is smaller than many cats.
We mixed both orange and yellow tissue paper just for variety. When I pulled them out, I was still thinking Halloween, but the combination along with the silhouettes we decided on makes it look like two animals playing with autumn leaves in the background. Perfect!
I tore the backing off of MOST of the contact paper, but left the edges intact. This made it easy to tape the contact paper to the table. It also created the lovely jagged edge you can see in the photo at the top of this post!
Do you have any craft ideas I should try with Anna? She loves doing “projects” as she calls them with me while her older brother and sisters are at school every day!
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
It turned out gorgeous. I am sure Anna will be as creative as her older siblings!
Looks like a fun craft. Thanks for sharing!
I love how the cat is so much bigger than the dog! Cat power!
There are times I miss preschool.
This turned out beautifully! What a wonderful mother-daughter blessing to have this time together.
It was a wonderful way to spend the morning together.