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9 Ways to Make the Most of Newborn Parenting

Most parents-to-be dream of holding their newborn baby and looking after them – and most new parents find themselves more exhausted than they ever thought possible! These newborn parenting tips can teach you how to enjoy parenting – from the very beginning. Be sure to also read these tips on dealing with newborn sleep deprivation.

9 tips to help you make the most of newborn parenting.

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9 Ways to Make the Most of Newborn Parenting

This post was first published September 18th, 2012.

Let people help.

I’ve been very lucky this time round – I had family helping before Anna showed up, family around for the first few days after she was born, and lots of help from friends after that. I’ve accepted every single offer of help that’s come my way. I will be forever grateful to everyone who is making these early new-baby weeks so wonderful for me and my family.

Scale back activities.

I worked hard to simplify life before Anna showed up, and I’m looking to simplify even more. There’s no point filling days with extras when those extras make you too busy to enjoy the basics.

Those weeks with a newborn are exhausting, but they fly by! Check out these tips on how to make the most of newborn parenting.

Hold your baby.

I use my Moby-style knit wrap, and a Mei Tai style carrier to carry Anna during the day when I need to get things done. I’ll switch her into the ERGO carrier when she gets older. I also try to spend at least a few minutes each day *just* holding her – without trying to do anything else.

Go outside.

This makes all the difference for me, and it’s a huge piece of my walking six-year-old Emma to school every day. It’s also the reason I’m willing to invest in high quality baby carriers and strollers. It is much easier to get out of the house when you have easy ways to travel with your baby!

Take some pictures.

Slowing down and taking a few pictures of your newborn will help you see how precious your child is. Print a few of those photos out and put them on your walls. I have some great newborn photography tips that even the most amateur of photographers can use.

Pay attention to nutrition.

I try to keep healthy snacks on hand (fruits and veggies), since otherwise I find myself eating chocolate chips instead of lunch. I’m also a big believer in the benefits of prenatal vitamins after having a baby as well as before. I feel like I have more energy and think more clearly on vitamins with DHA than on those without DHA.

Get creative with colicky babies.

My first child, Emma, struggled a lot with colic as a baby. She screamed for several hours each evening as a newborn. Taking her outside often helped, but it wasn’t realistic to keep her out for hours on end in the middle of a Scottish winter. We found music that also calmed her down, as did bouncing on one of those giant exercise balls!

Remember that it goes by quickly.

Make time to notice your baby laughing in their sleep, and watch them admire their hands in the sunlight.

Most parents-to-be dream of holding their newborn baby and looking after them – and most new parents find themselves more exhausted than they ever thought possible! These newborn parenting tips can teach you how to enjoy parenting - from the very beginning. #newborn #parentingtips #newbornparenting

Remember how lucky you are.

There are couples across the world who would give anything to be kept up all night by the world’s most colicky baby. If you must complain about being tired, be careful who you complain to.

What are your top tips for making the most of newborn parenting?

Share comments and feedback below, on my Facebook page, or by tagging me on InstagramSign up for my newsletter to receive book recommendations, crafts, activities, and parenting tips in your inbox every week.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

37 thoughts on “9 Ways to Make the Most of Newborn Parenting”

  1. Ness @ One Perfect Day

    Oh, forgot to say thank you as well for linking up to The Sunday Parenting Party. I’ve pinned this to our board.

  2. Ness @ One Perfect Day

    This is all so true, every word, and so beautifully put. I especially love the point about it going by so fast and remembering to be grateful. That’s not always easy to do when you’re right in the middle of it all and it seems so hard, but it’s so important to stop and be thankful for all of it, sleep deprivation and all.

  3. Hey, I love the giant bouncy ball idea! Walking, enjoying the basics, and vitamins! These are great. I need to starting taking vitamins again!!!

  4. The biggest advice for me was asking for help. Noone, NOONE will offer to give you a break (some will say it because it sounds good), but really its up to us to ask for the help and that pic is just too precious.

    1. That is very true. This time I got lucky, because a good friend took it upon herself to ask people to help because she knew I wouldn’t…

  5. Love your perspective, and it seems to continue to be true with every passing day. That newborn time was so special, yet I can’t believe how many days have passed since then. I need reminders to cherish them and appreciate the time with my little guy, so thanks!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your tips! I will be needing these soon. :) I just purchased a Moby wrap the other day – one of my must-haves before the baby arrives.

  7. I love these tips, especially the one about nutrition. I recently developed a citrus allergy b/c I got lazy about taking my prenatal vitamins and had a vitamin deficiency that triggered the allergy because nursing really does still take a lot of nutrients. Also, here is a popular baby play post for when your little girl gets a bit older, though I know you are certainly experienced and probably have tons of ideas yourself!! http://jennifischer.blogspot.com/2012/08/simple-ideas-for-baby-play-at-home.html — Also, I still have something special to mail you.

  8. AMEN to this post as I can only agress with all six (?) points!!! How true about not needing extras when you’re so busy enjoying the basics. :) Already with Quinn I tried to enjoy each moment and not already hope for the next… and it was a priceless bit of truly good advice I followed but now expecting our 5th I think these points are even more pressing as now there are loads more things competing for my attention – some vital and some only good. :)
    Thanks, Mary Anne, for sharing such precious thoughts with a bit of the world!

  9. Perfect advice. I remember like it was yesterday when I had 3 little ones and now that they are 7, 9, & 11 I can’t believe those days are gone. It’s great now too, but nothing beats a big ol’ chubby baby saying “mama”.

  10. You are so wise! I feel like I worried away many of the newborn days – so glad you are mindful of how quickly it passes and how precious this time is.

    1. I worried so much when Emma was a baby – that’s part of why I’m really conscious of enjoying it all now!

  11. Your post made me miss those first weeks – luckily, my Anna was a fairly sleepy newborn :) I was very big on prenatal vitamins too.

  12. She is just so gorgeous! Wonderful photo.

    “There’s no point filling days with extras when you’re too busy to enjoy the basics.” Very well said. Things have been picking up for me, but I feel internal nudges to simply and slow down even more.

    1. I find it’s a constant work in progress for me – finding the balance between doing interesting things and keeping life at a healthy pace.

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