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Energy-saving hack: cold drafts

Every winter, a cold breeze emerges from underneath our stove. This year I got smart and decided to block it off.

First, I cut the legs off of a pair of old pants:

cut-off pant leg

That was wider than I needed, so I cut it in half and trimmed off the seams.

split pant leg

I was left with four strips of fabric. No picture here, because even though I have discovered that I can get sewing done in the playroom, it’s a rare feat to get sewing and photography done in the playroom.

I took one strip, folded it in half, and serged one end and the side length. I chose to leave it un-turned (with the seam on the outside), because that meant one less step, and you can take shortcuts like that when you use a serger and are not a perfectionist.

I put Mike and the kids to work stuffing it with all of the miniscule scraps that I save because I find it extremely difficult to throw fabric away. They used the handle of our toy broom to push the stuffing to the bottom of the fabric tube.

stuffing with fabric scraps

Emma took a moment to show off our draft-stopper in her seasonally inappropriate attire. There are benefits to having children too young to clothe (and unclothe) themselves.

I serged the open edge shut after this picture.

Emma modeling the finished draft-stopper

And here it is in all its glory under our perpetually fingerprint-and-footprint decorated stove. Hooray for no more drafts!

draft stopper under the stove

Now to turn the three remaining strips into draft blockers for our doors and under the kitchen sink.

If you have a draft-free house, my children recommend these as toys, although given that they primarily wave them about wildly in the air I don’t feel that I can second their recommendation.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

8 thoughts on “Energy-saving hack: cold drafts”

  1. I love when I get things taken care of that have bothered me for a while. Your fridge looks almost exactly like mine – ours constantly has fingerprints, too. :) And Kaia also dresses like Emma. I swear she is oblivious to the cold.

  2. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    I really need to do this. Currently, I’m using an old towel as a cold draft for the back door, and it is quite unsightly! Love how yours turned out!
    .-= Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog´s last blog ..Penguin Playset Tutorial =-.

  3. What a good solution to your problem. You crack me up on the toy comment ;) and Conner wears pretty much the same attire that Emma does… silly kids.

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    Love the team effort and Emma’s smile!! :) Your home is now more comfortable for the people who choose not to wear sleeves. :)
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..this year I resolve to… =-.

  5. I have also seen to use a bag of beans or rice to stuff these draft stoppers with. Good idea with the little scraps–I have two huge boxes full of scraps of felt and fabric that I just can’t part with. Amazingly, I have found things to do with them! Here’s another!

    Love that Emma is in a tank top while you’re worrying about drafts! I always worry about Ingrid being cold when she runs around with no pants on, but apparently kids run hotter or just don’t care if they have purple lips…
    .-= Amber Liddle´s last blog ..Ingrid’s First Trip to the ER =-.

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