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Emma Quotes: Little Green Papers


To Johnny, while playing with Lily and and Johnny on the floor:
Keep the small toys away from the choking hazard girl!

Discussing future prizes for her reward chart:
Emma: I think that after I use up my prizes, I should get some new ones.
Mama: What kinds of prizes do you want?
Emma: Maybe some little green papers.
Mama: Little green papers? Where do you get those?
Emma: In Dada’s wallet.

As Lily crawls towards her and Johnny, who are playing on the floor:
A baby! A huge baby is coming! Quick, we have to save all our toys!

Before a playdate:
I think I should give [a friend] a present. Maybe something I don’t like any more.

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

9 thoughts on “Emma Quotes: Little Green Papers”

  1. I just laughed and laughed reading those. Emma is so cute!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Geography Track – Bermuda =-.

  2. Elisa | blissfulE

    Love all these, and Mike’s bonus quote as well! Too, too funny!

    Sounds like she’d agree with my dad, who always says, “Change is good, but folding money is better.”
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..who am I? my name is Ned =-.

  3. MaryAnne, I love Emma’s quotes! I think they must be my favorite things to read, although pretty soon Johnny and Lily will start saying amazing things as well! Kate cracks us up now on a daily basis. And she’s my youngest! argh, where have the years gone! Little Green Papers! He he he!

  4. Me: Mama’s birthday is next month. She’s going to be 30.
    Emma: Wow! Is that the last number?

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