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Emma Quotes: Car Writes


Seeing marks left on the road by a car’s wet tires:
Woah, car writes!

Explaining that her watch is on her dresser:
My toy watch is on top of my [pause] where my clothes live

Watching a bunny hop:
I think he is looking for dandelions what are dead, and he will turn them into carrots for kids.

After I explained that she shouldn’t pick some of our neighbor’s flowers because they were “garden flowers”:
I think we should call our dandelions “garden flowers” so you don’t mow them down.

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

11 thoughts on “Emma Quotes: Car Writes”

  1. How great! Don’t you love having them say the cutest things? No more quoting Ethan and Max, you have your own little entertainer.

    Your visit was so great! Aelie can’t stop talking about her friend, Emma:-)

  2. Love this picture, and love what she said about her dresser, but the dandelions being called flowers is the best!
    .-= Susana´s last blog ..Day Trip =-.

  3. I love these! She is so funny and intelligent!
    .-= Tracye´s last blog ..My Baby is One Year Old… Pardon the Tears =-.

  4. Love those. Emma and Anna would have so much fun playing together :)
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..The Art Box – April 26, 2010 =-.

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    So excited to see more Emma quotes! :)

    Nikki has recently been fascinated with the tracks our pram makes after we go through a puddle. Saying that the tyres are writing is a VERY fun way to describe it!

    The one that made me laugh out loud is calling dandelions “garden flowers.” It could save on the yardwork…
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..Michael’s first swimming lesson =-.

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