Home » Family » Emma, Johnny, and Lily Quotes: Air Conditioner For My Hair

Emma, Johnny, and Lily Quotes: Air Conditioner For My Hair

playing in the sprinklers

Emma, watching Lily paint on pink paper with pink paint:
Lily loves everything pink. Like Pink Me Up.

Emma: From Daddy’s business trip he brought back some air conditioner for my hair!

Emma: When Daddy pushes me on the swing, I go so high I touch the sky!

Johnny: Mama, you look like a boy!
Mama: Why?
Johnny: You have to paint your toes to look like a girl!

Getting Lily out of bed in the morning:
Mama: Good morning, gorgeous little girl!
Lily: No! [I’m a] baby dinosaur!


MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

17 thoughts on “Emma, Johnny, and Lily Quotes: Air Conditioner For My Hair”

  1. Awesome! I love the kids’ quotes so much…and I love that you already had a post on this same topic. What would we do if we couldn’t remember some of this stuff when they get older?

  2. Elisa | blissfulE

    Too fun to find a baby dinosaur in Lily’s bed!! :) I always love hearing what your kids have to say.

  3. Maryanne, I have one for you. We bought hubby a pair of Batman underpants as a joke for Father’s Day (he is our super hero!) Lulu proudly pointed out, “look Daddy they even have a pocket!” LOL!

  4. I’m surprised it wasn’t Lily telling you that girls need their toes painted. Princess would certainly tell me :)

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