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Emma and my blog button

emma blog button drawing

Emma never liked the button I made for this blog. She complained about it a couple times, and then dropped it – until this week, when she started a campaign to change the button. She said that other people didn’t like the button, and that nobody clicked on it. I wasn’t even aware that she knew that blog buttons were designed to be clicked on!

I gave her a sheet of paper and told her to design a new button for my blog. She went straight to work, and the picture above is her masterpiece, complete with pink hair makeovers for the women of the family. Super long legs (but no body) for dad, and apparently no legs for mom (a floor-length dress, perhaps?). Notice also that she and Johnny are sweetly holding hands, and that Lily is larger than either of them!

She tolerated my going over her crayon lines to make them more visible once the picture was resized, as well as my elimination of the incomplete labels.

mama smiles 

And here you have it, my redesigned, more-clickable blog button! Feel free to grab it, or click on it – and if you already have my button on your site, thank you! The picture should update automatically =)

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

8 thoughts on “Emma and my blog button”

  1. Jackie @ 3 Little Ones

    I LOVE it!! It is so adorable and even better knowing that your daughter made it for you :) How sweet!!!!
    .-= Jackie @ 3 Little Ones´s last blog ..What Makes a Great Mommy =-.

  2. Wow, I’m so impressed with how tech-savvy she is! I haven’t even told mine that they’re on a blog…
    .-= Jaimie´s last blog ..Back in TownSort of =-.

  3. This is so neat – I think you will also have another blog writer one day. I love the new button!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Week In Review – July 16- 2010 =-.

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    Isn’t it amazing how much they pick up without us even realising it? Just make sure that if she starts charging a consulting fee you offset it with rent. ;)
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..offense vs defense =-.

  5. This is hilarious Mary Anne! I love how you’ve used her drawing for your new button. You are awesome! I think I’m going to have my kids draw a couple things soon and incorporate them into my changing photo headers. It is such a sweet idea and I love it.

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