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Emma and Lily Quotes

Lily loving her baby doll

Lily loving her baby doll

Emma, talking about a present, which I had hidden:
Where is it? We tried to peek on it.


Emma, after I told the kids to go play in their room instead of mine:
But our room is all messy!


Lily, adoringly, reading a mobile phone ad showing one large photo of the phone and several smaller images:
Oh! Baby phone!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

6 thoughts on “Emma and Lily Quotes”

  1. Funny! Love the bedroom quote. I am always telling mine that there’s a No-toys-in-Mommy’s-and-Daddy’s-room rule. But since Bear sleeps with us, I wonder if maybe that rule just doesn’t make sense to her? Maybe she thinks our room is hers too:)

  2. HA! I love Emma’s quote about her room! Lily’s quote is super too–she is doing so good to be talking like that. Jesse so far is my slowest talker and only saying a few words that are audible to myself and Jamie, bless his heart. As always precious picture of Lily and her baby.

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