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Celebrate Winter With This Fun and Easy Snowflake Craft

Making coffee filter snowflakes is a great cutting activity for kids. Draw lines as guides to help kids get started, then set them free to create however they wish. This fun and easy snowflake craft appeals to all ages.

Coffee filter snowflakes - a fun winter activity for all ages.

A Fun and Easy Snowflake Craft for All Ages

Yesterday All four kids had a great time making coffee filter snowflakes! This was our craft pick to go along with this week’s The Virtual Book Club for Kids book pick, The Snowy Day by Ezra Keats. Red Sled by Lita Judge  is a great alternative for this week’s theme. Check out more snow-themed learning activities from my blog friends at the end of this post.


This is a super easy activity to prep! All you need are:

You may also want string or tape to hang your completed snow flakes.

Making coffee filter snowflakes is a great cutting activity for kids. Draw lines as guides to help kids get started, then set them free to create however they wish.

Teaching Kids to Cut Snowflakes

The secret to great snowflakes is ironing. You can skip this step before cutting, although I recommend it if you are planning a particularly ornate snowflake. You can iron several coffee filters at once on the medium heat setting. When ironing the cut snowflakes, I recommend placing an uncut filter as the top layer. This way your iron won’t catch on any openings. We fold the filters into fourths at the beginning. They can be folded smaller and smaller as children develop their cutting skills.

I had made snowflakes like this with my other kids in the past, but this was four-year-old Anna’s first experience. We showed her how to fold her coffee filter, and then I drew outlines for her first few snowflakes. she caught on pretty quickly, and then moved on to experimenting with what would happen when she folded her coffee filters differently. She also made some very unconventional snowflakes, including one that looked like a slice of pie. She called that one her pizza snowflake.

One of the things I love best about this activity is that it appeals to children of all ages – and even adults. Designs can be simple for beginners and very ornate  to challenge older crafters.

Indoor fun for winter, and book activities to go along with "The Snowy Day" by Ezra Keats

All four of my kids enjoyed this activity enough to make several snowflakes. Lily and Anna then helped Mike hang all of their snowflakes in his mom’s home (whom we are visiting right now).

I love making coffee filter snowflakes with my kids! It's one of those crafts that appeal to kids of all ages.

They add a lovely festive flair!

Once you’ve made your snowflakes, add some cute snowman themed crafts.

Snowman Crafts for Kids

Keep celebrating winter with these cute snowman crafts - we have something for everyone!


The Snowy Day by Ezra Keats was this week’s pick for the Virtual Book Club for Kids. As always, my co-hosts came up with fun snow-themed learning activities to go along with this book! I also recommend  Red Sled by Lita Judge as an alternate picture book to go with this theme. I’ve added a few of our favorite snow activities from when we lived in Massachusetts. We don’t get any snow in California, and I miss it (but not the icy roads…)


Snow Themed Science Activities




2016-17 season virtual book club for kids books and activities

Click on the image above to see all of the themes, books, and activities for this year’s 2016-17 Virtual Book Club for Kids! I am updating the page as new posts go live.

Do you know of another fun snow themed learning activity we should try? How about another book we need to read? Let me know in the comments. You can also share photos on my Facebook page, or tag me on Instagram

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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