I’ve made file folder travel felt boards in the past, but for our most recent road trip I wanted a felt board that could take a beating. My very first blog post was a tutorial on how to use a foam core board to make a flannel/felt board. That foam core board is still standing after nearly two years of being used by my children in all sorts of ways, so I decided to use foam core board for this project as well.
How to Make a Lightweight Travel Felt Board
What You'll Find on This Page
Materials needed:
- Foam core board
- X-acto knife
or even a steak knife can work, but are harder to work with)
- Fleece
or flannel
will also work, but since they are not stretchy they will not cover the board as neatly).
- Duct tape
Foam core board comes in all sorts of sizes, but it’s cheapest as a simple poster board, so that’s what we bought. I used a kitchen knife (someday I will aquire an exacto knife) to cut it into six pieces, and then cut grey fleece into slightly larger pieces. Felt sticks to fleece nicely, and the stretchiness of fleece makes it an ideal board covering material.
I trimmed the corners, then folded the edges over and taped them down using duct tape:
I wasn’t striving for elegance, but you could actually make this look quite nice with a little care and fancy decorative duct tape. My kids are thrilled with their flannel boards; they particularly enjoy using them as beds (!) for their bears. Perhaps I should have titled this post “How to make a durable travel felt board/bear bed”?
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Thanks! I have a roll up felt board but this one looks much more sturdy. I also didn’t know that felt stuck to fleece and I have leftover fleece from halloween costumes. Thanks for sharing your templates. I usually just use my sister’s cricut to cut things out but she doesn’t have the paper dolls. So this will be a big help.
@Jackie – We use the roll up ones sometimes, too, but my kids really like the fact that they can sit with the foam core board on their laps and it stays flat =)
Oh that is fantastic. A very clever idea and not too complicated to execute.
I love this idea, its so easy to do. Its great how the kids can think of other ways to use it too.
Thanks for sharing this idea Mary-Anne. A felt board really would be great to go anywhere….dr’s waiting room, home, church, car….
That is such a great idea Mary-Anne. I think I will make some of those too!
.-= deb´s last blog ..Bound with love =-.
Great idea. If I have time, I will make some to add to our travel bags for our Sept trip to PA. Trading between this and magnet board cookie sheets will be fun for the kids!
Great idea… so simple yet effective! So many places this would be useful!
I love that they also used it as bear beds – very creative! I also love that no sewing is necessary in this solution :)
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..Computer Math Or Genie Who Was Let Out of the Bottle =-.
What a great idea.
.-= jenny´s last blog ..tyre swing =-.
What a great idea! Not so sure about taking our felt into the car though as Princess is a little clumsy and seems to be constantly dropping things, then wails at me to pick it up! I am sure she would love this though :)
@Susana – I agree, it’s perfect for church!
@Beth – I should play with it more as well – it is beautifully versatile!
I don’t know why I don’t play with foam board more often- such a nice crafty material. And fleece- perfect!
What a great idea! (actually two ideas! I wouldn’t have thought to use lightweight foam core or fleece)
I’m thinking this would be great for Sacrament meeting too. You have the best ideas Mary Anne! Thanks for another great one!
.-= Susana´s last blog ..Jesse is 49 Weeks Old =-.
I made my felt board with foam core but hadn’t thought to make a travel sized one. Will be doing that ASAP. Great idea.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..My Shutterfly Experience =-.
I made one and put it in an old wooden picture frame to help with stability. I used felt from a bolt though. I didn’t know fleece worked for these:)Thanks for posting this!
I didn’t know that felt sticks to fleece. I think my kids would love this, if only I knew what felt pieces to have available. I could probably handle making geometric shapes.
.-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..kiddo quotes =-.
That is so cool! I love your craft tutorials!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Its Hot Up In Here! =-.
Great idea, as usual! I’m starring this and making one for our next road trip. I can use all the help I can get ;).
.-= Jaimie´s last blog ..One Small Change Update and Homemade Salsa =-.
What a great idea! Love it!
@Jaimie – I hope your kids enjoy them as much as my kids do!
@Elisa – I actually feel like felt sticks to fleece better than it sticks to felt!
@Trisha – using a picture frame is a great idea!