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Creative DohVinci Fun!

Making DohVinci art
Have you heard of DohVinci? We were sent some free to try out, and while I wasn’t required to write a blog post about it, I’m sure Hasbro won’t mind that I have. DohVinci comes from the same people who brought us Play-Doh, and it’s a great new 3D art product for older kids! It feels a lot like Play-Doh, but it can be used as a glue, and dries without leaving cracks.
We were sent both the (affiliate links) DohVinci Deluxe Styler set and the DohVinci Memory Masterpiece Complete Ribbon Board Kit. Emma was very happy with all of the products, but the board kit isn’t something you will want to save for long, so my recommendation is to get the styler and make up your own projects! Emma has plans to make cards next.
Getting creative with DohVinci
Eight-year-old Emma loved playing with DohVinci so much that she made this little video clip! she has watched me review products for years now, and wanted to give it a go.

This is one of those kid craft materials that are super fun for moms to play with, too!

What activities are your school-aged kids enjoying this summer?

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It’s time to link up your elementary school aged activities! By doing so you are giving the linky hosts permission to feature your post and to pin it to our After School Activities board on Pinterest. Here are my favorites from last week!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

19 thoughts on “Creative DohVinci Fun!”

    1. It feels like using a glue gun, but there is zero heat involved. Emma, Johnny, and Lily are all loving it – I even went out and bought another set so they could all use it at once this week.

  1. Hello Emma! I loved your video review. I think my 8 year old daughter Annabelle would have fun with DohVinci too!

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