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Creating Stories with LEGO Star Wars

My wonderful husband Mike took time off his day job as a Stanford professor to write today’s post!

The brilliance of Star Wars is that its characters and storyline inspire hours of play. The Star Wars film has captured the imagination of four generations in my family. It has been the basis of hundreds of bedtime stories, as I wrote about here and here. We were overjoyed when we were selected to preview LEGO Star Wars Droid Tales and were sent a Naboo Starfighter set for the kids to put together. LEGO Star Wars Droid Tales is a series of five 22 minute animated episodes where C-3PO and R2-D2 retell the six Star Wars movies in chronological order. As with other LEGO Star Wars films, such as The Empire Strikes Out, it is absolutely hilarious—to both hardcore Star Wars fans (who will understand all the inside jokes) and those who are less familiar with the series. After watching the first episode with the kids, I showed it to my graduate students and others in my department. They loved it!

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Creating Stories with LEGO Star Wars

Creating with LEGO Star Wars

Even Anna (who recently turned three) loved the Nabooo Starfighter! (The pink fabric on the right side is actually a skirt that Anna wears on her head so she can pretend she has “long hair.”)

Building and playing with the new LEGO Star Wars sets

Anna, an aspiring blogger, took a picture of the kids assembling the LEGO Star Wars set. She has observed my wife documenting the kids’ activities with her camera. Note: the camera doesn’t really have a viewfinder.

Aspiring blogger

It was really fun watching the kids spend hours building and making up stories – and incorporating pieces from their other LEGO sets.

Star Wars has inspired hours of pretend play!
The Star Wars characters are a fun jumping off point for all sorts of creativity. Johnny combined his love for soccer and Chewbacca in the stop-motion video below (entirely on his own). I’m not sure exactly what is going on in the middle part with the light saber wielding giant mouse (though I would have to say that there are equally confusing parts of the Star Wars film), but he was very proud of his creation.

 Do your kids love Star Wars?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

5 thoughts on “Creating Stories with LEGO Star Wars”

  1. Natalie PlanetSmartyPants

    I love that your entire family participate in blogging. Another great guest post from Mike and I am looking forward to seeing your kids starting to blog as guests too :)

  2. Elisa | blissfulE

    So much fun! Love Anna’s “long hair,” and the picture of her “taking a picture.” :) :) :)

  3. I’m in the middle of showing the kids the entire Star Wars saga before the next movie comes out at Christmas. I wish the new series weren’t on Disney XD because my cable company never carried that on basic cable, though if I wished to pay ridiculously a lot more for just that channel……

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