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Countdown for Daddy


Emma making her countdown chart
Emma designed and made this countdown chart for Mike’s most recent business trip. She cut five strips of paper, and then labeled them with days of the week. The days of the week she picked don’t actually quite match up to the days he was gone, but she was not interested in changing them. She also reprimanded me for calling “Wednesday” a long day when it wasn’t long enough to fill up the paper in her modified-to-make-room-for-a-long-word handwriting (it’s the middle paper).

Emma's countdown chart
I also want to say thank you to Jenae from I can teach my child! for recommending the book When Daddy Travels in the comments for this post. We borrowed the book from the library, and my kids LOVE it – and I think it helps Johnny especially understand where his dad disappears to every so often.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

14 thoughts on “Countdown for Daddy”

  1. I’ll be taking a trip in October – this is a great idea to leave behind with Daddy & the Grandmas who are going to be staying with the kids.

  2. What a great idea she came up with. My husband doesn’t travel that much but I know it was a tough one on Selena when he did have to be away for a week.

  3. jeannine: waddlee-ah-chaa

    Seriously, I think we live in the same house! Whenever I visit your blog it always feels like home. Love all of the child-generated thinking and projects!
    .-= jeannine: waddlee-ah-chaa´s last blog ..Hold on to Your Hats! It’s County Fair Time! =-.

  4. The idea was all Emma’s; I was quite impressed =)

    I would love for him to travel less, but he has good job that he enjoys, and that’s worth a lot.

    And I think the kids might be amenable to making another cake ;)

  5. Very creative and look at that handwriting! I think I heard some cake hints in the comments :)
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Our Favorite Math Books =-.

  6. joyce:waddleeahchaa.com

    There is so much learning going on here and I can tell we are of the same like mind “LET THE CHILDREN DO IT”. All we need to do is make sure we have plenty of materials and give them the time to create. Thanks for visiting us at waddleeahchaa.com and thanks for this great post. I’m going to look up “When Daddy Travels” at our local library. :)
    .-= joyce:waddleeahchaa.com´s last blog ..Daily Project Time- Empowering Children to Explore and Create! GIVEAWAY =-.

  7. The extra-small handwriting Wednesday cracks me up! What a clever girl to create a countdown while waiting for her dad to come home.
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..pear! =-.

  8. I can’t wait to come home! Are you guys going to make a cake like they do in that book that Jenae recommended?

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