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Christmas Wreaths

Christmas wreaths made out of paper bags

These simple Christmas wreaths made from tissue paper, glue, markers, and paper bags were another library craft! I especially like Emma’s marker wreath (top left). Emma made the left wreaths (top and bottom), Johnny made the middle ones (top and bottom), and Lily made the top right wreath on her own, and the bottom one with a lot of help from me. I was surprised that Johnny went with traditional colors for both of his wreaths; he was very serious about only using red and green!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

13 thoughts on “Christmas Wreaths”

  1. I love seeing how art abilities progress over time – I think all three kids really applied themselves to this craft.
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Week In Review – December 10- 2010 =-.

  2. I love how all three children worked in both mediums! Great wreaths.
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..7 quick takes Friday- Guggenheim edition =-.

  3. I remember making these when I was a kid. It was my favorite project, putting the little bits of tissue on a pencil and dipping them in the glue, sticking them all around the wreath. I do like seeing how your kids do their crafts differently at different ages and stages!

  4. Jaimie @ Two Chicks and a Hen

    These are cute. I just saw this somewhere else too. I’m going to put this on my list of things to do in case we start going crazy inside before Christmas :).
    .-= Jaimie @ Two Chicks and a Hen´s last blog ..Catch-up- Advent Days 1-5 =-.

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