Explore the laws of physics with this simple cardboard toy teeter totter.
My kids are into teeny tiny toys right now, so I thought we’d make some teeny tiny toy accessories. A glue stick, tape, and cardboard makes a simple and fun toy teeter totter that even a toddler can make (with help)!
First, we assembled our materials. Then, it’s as simple as taping the glue stick to the middle of one side of the piece of cardboard:
And playing! You can add sticky tack if you want the toys to stay in place on the teeter totter.
This doubles as a nice little airplane, too. Maybe we’ll make a biplane next. =)
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
My son has always loved tiny little toys. He usually has at least one, wherever we go. They read stories together. They play games together. I think he definitely needs a little teeter totter. So glad you thought of that! I’ve pinned and will share. Thanks for posting!
Thanks for sharing my post, Joyce!
Great craft and great fun with the little toys!
Sometimes simplest toys are best! We’ll be making them too!
Shhh – or a launcher! Love little ad-hoc play things!
Very simple = very fun! I’m thinking my boys would use it as a catapult!
I’ve been waiting all day for someone to mention catapults! :)
We don’t have any teeter totters (we call them seesaws, anyone else call them seesaws?) around here anymore either – sigh. Have you read Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh? It’s the perfect book to go along with this!
Aw, thank you, Christy!!! I was trying to remember the other word for them. I’ve heard them called seesaws, for sure.
I don’t think we’ve read “Balancing Act”, but I love Ellen Stoll Walsh, so we’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!
Love the detailed photos! Looks fun…
We’ve made several now, and the kids enjoy them =)
Sigh, teeter totters are almost unheard of out here with all of these new playgrounds.
There’s a teeter totter at our favorite playground, but it barely moves…
Awesome idea!!!