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Cardboard canvas

A fun way to make large scale paintings with kids – without spending a bunch of money.

Cardboard art by all three kids

I love the individual personalities so clearly marked by each of my three children on this cardboard canvas – there’s no question who painted which section! I hoped to get Lily’s handprint as well (can  you see Johnny’s and Emma’s?), but was treading dangerous territory already letting all three children paint, and indoors at that! This is the sort of project that only works indoors with washable paint, on tile floors – and don’t expect that washable paint to come out of your grout easily!

The kids had a blast and this project made their day – even though I didn’t manage to get any work-in-progress photos because, well, I was letting all three kids paint, indoors!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

12 thoughts on “Cardboard canvas”

  1. You may think to let them paint a mural wall at a corner of your house :-)
    .-= Dora´s last blog ..How Spoilt Is Your Child =-.

    1. @Dora – they would love that!

      @Katherine – we have dark grey grout, too, so I wasn’t expecting a problem – but that red paint is pretty stubborn!

  2. You are a brave lady, indeed! You should see all the precautions I take before letting my ONE child paint indoors! It takes me just as long to get everything set up and covered as it does for her to actually create her masterpiece…
    .-= Megan Berry´s last blog ..Summertime Crochet =-.

  3. You are so brave and so awesome for letting all three paint, especilly Lily!! I can’t imagine:-). They did a great job. I love all 3 sections and the differences you can see side by side.

    Super idea using that cardboard too!!
    .-= Susana´s last blog ..Homeschool Weeks 11 and 12 mosquitoes and crickets =-.

  4. Too bad about lack of “in progress” photos! Lily must have been quite a sight :) How neat that all three of them were painting together.
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Geography Track – India =-.

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    You are so brave AND cool!! What a terrific cooperative art project! :)
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..baby in the mirror =-.

  6. @Natalie – Lily was a work of art all on her own, I really wanted to take a picture, but she wanted to crawl away, and I didn’t need painted furniture =)

    @Ticia – yes! What is it about grout?!

    Thanks, Elisa =)

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