Home » Education » Call for Posts: World Culture for Kids Series

Call for Posts: World Culture for Kids Series

write a post to teach kids about the world


Are you interested in writing for my Exploring Geography series? I’m looking for posts about any city, town, or country in the world for this world culture for kids series! Even if it is a place that has been written about before, I’m sure there is a new spin you can bring to it. This series is all about bringing readers into your world, not sharing facts (although you can share facts if you like). You can see all the posts in this series so far on my world culture page, and email mamasmilesblog at gmail dot com if you would like to write a post of your own! I have very friendly readers, and I always share a few favorite posts from guest bloggers.

Because you are never too young to learn about this beautiful world of ours!


call for posts - world culture series for kids

Where in the world will you bring us next?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

28 thoughts on “Call for Posts: World Culture for Kids Series”

  1. That is such a cute picture of baby Anna! I am also wondering if that is the Leapfrog Tag map. It looks awesome!

    Do you have a Cape Cod post yet? I would love to share what life is like over the bridge!

    1. I would LOVE a Cape Cod post from you! I’ll send you a separate email with the details.

      That map is a huge wall map I got from Costco. It is very cool! We love the Leapfrog Tag map, too, though!

  2. What beautiful photos! We are leaving Malawi in June and are still unsure about where our next home will be but it will be in Africa and I would love to guest post again once we are settled into our lives in another country.

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    Anna is adorable!! My husband has been asking me to do a Perth post. I do enjoy this series!!

  4. I keep thinking to email you about writing a post. Let me come up with some content and then I’ll email you because life is a bit busy and I don’t want to commit to it and then take weeks to write something. :) I want to, though!

  5. Oh my gosh that first picture of Anna is adorable! I love reading about all the different places in your series so I hope you get some good ones. I’ve only been out of the country once (and to Mexico, but that’s only a little more than an hour away from me so I am not sure if it counts) but I love learning about new places near and far.

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