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Book review

I recently checked the book Flannelboard Stories for Infants And Toddlers
by Ann Carlson and Mary Carlson out of my library. I’ve been looking for the perfect patterns for my flannelboard. This one didn’t provide that – I’m looking for silhouettes only – but I really like the book, because it had some great ideas of activities to do with infants and toddlers using very simple pictures. The pictures could be great mounted for a flannel or magnetic board, but I had a great time just going through the book with my 11-month-old son. I also used the book to work on speaking French with my nearly-3yo daughter, and she seemed to be catching onto the concept of using a spoken foreign language better than she had in the past. She has been signing words since she was 10 or 11 months old, so she understands that you can say things in more than one way, but up until today she just laughed at me when I tried speaking French to her (obviously I haven’t been very consistent in trying to establish a bilingual environment). Today it seemed like she was listening…

The pictures are simple yet expressive, and I feel like they would photocopy or trace very well.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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