Download a timeline full of Black History Month facts. This is a free printable educational resource full of important events to study.

Black History Month Facts
What You'll Find on This Page
Since 1976, U.S. presidents have designated every February as Black History Month.
February was chosen in recognition of National Negro History Week, which Carter G. Woodson established in 1926. National Negro Week was held during the second week of February in honor of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. The NAACP was also founded on February 12, 1909 – the centennial anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth.
Why dedicate a month to a single group’s history? Black History is a critical piece of United States History. It’s great to integrate it year round, but equally important to mindfully study it alone. I feel like I learned things just through the exercise of pulling together the timeline I’m sharing in today’s post.
Other Black History Month Resources
Black History Month Resources
I consider Black History an important piece of United States history. In the past I've written up these other resources:
Black History Month Facts Printable Timeline
This year I created a Black History Month facts printable. I designed it as a simple way to show my children a brief overview of Black History in the United States.

How to Use My Black History Month Facts Printable
I hope that this printable is a jumping off place for your Black History Month series! One thing that struck me when I created it was how we would as a nation take one step forward and another step backwards. I do believe that the steps forward are larger than those backwards, and the timeline illustrates that as well.
I’m printing this off for my own children and having them select an event that they want to study in detail. I would love to hear if you use the printable in other creative ways through Black History Month.
Download the printable file here or through my Teachers Pay Teachers profile.
Here are the files if you prefer to download this Black History Month Facts printable timeline directly from my site:

Please note that it is impossible to accurately portray any group’s history on a one-page timeline. For my printable, I created a range of topics that felt important and accessible for children to learn about. Please use this list as a jumping off point for learning more about this piece of U.S. history.
What Black History Month Facts should I add to this timeline?
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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Huh, I hadn’t known why they chose February for Black History Month, now that makes sense to me.
This is a great resource. I agree with you on one step forward and one step back. It would be even more interesting to put positive events on one side of the timeline and negative events on the other side to demonstrate it more vividly.
Ooh that’s a great idea.
It’s nice to have a visual for Black History Month! Great timetable!
Great timeline!
Thank you!