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Best of 2011–Link up your favorite post!

Sensory play with baking soda and vinegar

Today I’m sharing my favorite post form 2011, along with several other wonderful kid bloggers! I had a hard time picking my favorite, but our baking soda and vinegar trays are a definite favorite – both in our house and according to pinterest and blog stats! We all love the magic fizzing, the soft feel of the baking soda and vinegar solution once the fizzing stops, and the easy clean-up! It’s the perfect activity for a rainy day!

2011 Best Ideas for Kids

What was your favorite post from 2011? Link up your favorite kid-oriented post from 2011 below – just one post per blog, please! Your link will show up at the following host blogs:

AngeliqueFelix.com, The Golden Gleam, hands on : as we grow,Toddler Approved, Red Ted Art, The Iowa Farmer’s Wife, The Outlaw Mom Blog, Let Kids Create,  Come Together Kids, Creative With Kids,  Science sparks, Mama Smiles,  Rainy Day Mum, teach mama, Kitchen Counter Chronicles, The Imagination Tree, JDaniel Fours Mom, Teach Preschool, De tout et de rien: Activités pour le Préscolaire, Tinkerlab, Mama Pea Pod, Crayon Freckles, Sun Hats & Wellie Boots, From Tantrums To Treasure Hunts, My Creative Family, Classified: Mom, Puddles and Gumboots, Art For Little Hands, Creative Connections for Kids, At home with Ali, Nurturestore, The Chocolate Muffin Tree, Critters and Crayons, The Mommies Made Me Do It, Jamie’s Jumble, Putti Prapancha, Messy Kids, Dinosaurs and Octopuses

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

13 thoughts on “Best of 2011–Link up your favorite post!”

  1. I just realized that I linked up two posts.. They were at different sites and I didn’t realize that it was the same link up. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to remove one, but feel free to do it for me. I linked up Scavenger Hunt Dinner and Very Inexpensive Activities

  2. This is a great blog hop. I linked my own personal favorite (How to Create a Masterpiece) even though google stats show the other post (Mr Seahorse) as a most popular of the year.

  3. Mary Anne,

    how is the weather in Boston in March/ beginning April? I am still playing with the thought of coming with my family while Thira and Howie live there.

    Happy New Year!

    1. It can be rainy/occasionally even snowy, but we would love to see you! Will send you an email =)

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