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Back to School Activity: Write the New Teacher a Letter

Template for kids to write a letter to their new teachers as a back to school activity. This simple activity can work wonders in easing back to school worries for anxious kids.

Have kids write a back to school letter to new teachers

Earlier this year I had the idea of having kids write a “get to know me” letter to their new teacher as part of my Get Ready for K Through Play series. I decided that this would be a great back to school activity for all three of my kids – Lily, who is starting kindergarten, Johnny who will be in first grade, and Emma, who will be in third grade. We wrote our letters last night (school starts today), and the kids seemed to enjoy it. It also seemed to help ease new school/new teacher/new class nerves.

Help ease back to school nerves by having kids write a letter to their new teacher.

Writing a letter to someone you don’t know can be challenging, so I typed up a very simple form.

Template for kids to write a letter to their new teachers as a back to school activity.

I kept the paper very simple so that the kids could decorate it as they wished. Even Anna got in on this activity – she does, after all, think she belongs in kindergarten with Lily.

Even this toddler got into writing a back to school letter!

Here are their completed letters – Anna’s only teacher for the moment is me, and I’m happy to keep this memento! She is very proud of her circle drawing ability – very nice for a two-year-old! She kept pointing at the squiggles and telling me they were water. The circles are people and cats (meows).

Toddler back to school letter

Johnny has always been an imaginative child, and I loved the way he used pencils in his artwork. You can probably tell that he got a bit silly during this activity.

First grade back to school letter to teacher

You can also tell that Emma and Johnny were sitting together. Her paper includes the quadratic formula, which Mike taught her to write this summer. She doesn’t have any idea what it means.

third grader back to school letter to a teacher

Lily’s letter shares Anna’s cat theme. I didn’t realize she knew how to write letters so neatly. All of the pictures at the bottom are of me and Anna, and I think she has a little anxiety about leaving us every day. Luckily she only has half day kindergarten, so we still get special Mama-Anna-Lily time every day.

kindergarten back to school letter to a teacher

I think next year I’ll get out colored pencils and crayons, to make their letters a bit more colorful, but this worked nicely as an organized-at-the-last-minute activity. You can download the form for your kids to use below:

Free printable - back to school letter for kids to write to their new teachers.

Has school started up where you live yet? What back to school activities are you doing to get settle in for the new school year?

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

11 thoughts on “Back to School Activity: Write the New Teacher a Letter”

  1. What a great idea! We’re in the 3rd term here in S. Africa. I see all the back to school posts. It’s always weird because we’re halfway through the year now!

  2. This is such a good idea. My daughter has dyspraxia and struggles with her writing so this might be a nice way to practice as she can’t wait to start her new class.

  3. Natalie PlanetSmartyPants

    What a great memory for this year! I am sure the teacher will be very impressed by Emma’s neat handwriting and her quadratic formula!

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    Lily’s letter tugged at my heart!! They are all gorgeous, and I think this is an excellent way for them to start the new school year. Bravo!!

    1. Thank you! Her letter tugged at my heart too. She is really enjoying kindergarten so far; Johnny is having a harder time with first grade, which has come as a surprise.

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