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Back to School: Keeping Kids Active and Healthy

Back to school: keeping kids active and healthy

My kids go back to school next week, and I can’t believe it! I have thoroughly enjoyed this summer with my kids. We have all had time to recharge, and I feel like they have learned a lot as well! Keeping the kids active an healthy is a big priority as we head back to school, and so I was happy when Horizon Organic offered to sponsor a post on that topic on my blog!

Here are a few things we are doing to stay active and healthy as the school year starts and our schedule becomes more crowded:

keeping kids active and healthy when schedules get busy

Walk to school

After a pretty crazy school year last year, with my three kids in three different schools for much of the year, this fall I will have all three kids in our neighborhood school. I am really looking forward to walking them to and from school every day! Walking to school benefits for the entire family as we bond, get exercise, and spend time outdoors!

Get organized

Our school mercifully does not expect kindergartners to do any homework, but Johnny will have assignments every day as a first grader, and I hear from neighbors that third grade homework is pretty intense. Add in the piles of papers that my kids bring home every day, and it’s easy for afternoons to feel like drudgery. I’m doing everything I can to get and stay organized so that we have as much time for play as possible.

Eat well

School lunches in our district are pretty healthy, but they come with a hefty price tag! My kids will be bringing their own lunches this year (as they did last year, and the year before), and that means that I am doing a lot of work coming up with healthy ingredients and finding creative ways to package their lunches. I also learned last year that the afternoon goes much better if I have something that is both attractive and healthy for them to eat right when they get home!

Get moving

Walking to school helps with this, but I am hoping to do something active with my kids every day. Ideally, it is something active that we can all do together – from a neighborhood walk to swimming to goofy indoor obstacle courses and dancing to music. Getting active together is a great family bonding activity that can also reduce stress!

Schedule the things that really matter

I often find myself scheduling things because they are things that tend to get scheduled – play dates, doctor’s appointments, and dentist visits. I think it’s good to schedule these things, but I am happier when I also schedule things that often go unscheduled: down time, family time, one on one time, and making memories time.

What do you plan to do to keep your kids active and healthy as the school year begins?

For 20 years Horizon Organic has been providing healthy organic milk, cheese, and other organic dairy products. They want to help supply families with the tools they need to be healthy and nutritious. Follow them on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter for more great tips, coupons, and ideas for family fun!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon Organic. The opinions and text are all mine.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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