Baby Gizmo selected my picture as a Finalist in their Baby on Location Contest! Emma was 8 months old in this picture, and it was taken the morning after my Ph.D. thesis defense at the University of Edinburgh. Click through to vote for your favorite finalist on Facebook! (You will have to “like” Baby Gizmo to vote by “liking” your favorite photo.)
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Great picture, even cooler that you get to say “Ph.D. thesis defense at the University of Edinburgh”!!
Great photo! Just gave it a like on the Baby Gizmo page so I hope that counts as a vote! Kerri
LOVE this photo of you and Emma! You have my vote.
Going to “like” your photo now. Great picture too!!
What a cute photo at what must’ve been a very proud moment! My husband is a University of Edinburgh alum, too! Small world!
No wonder you’re glowing… wearing a precious baby on a beautiful sunny day in Edinburgh, and with your thesis defense successfully behind you! An amazing photo. Hope you win!!
What a “beauty full” picture.
I don’t have a facebook account so I am going to see if I can still vote.
I’ve been MIA in blogland over the last few weeks and have missed popping in here. Now that Troy is back at work we are starting to settle into our rhythm for 2011 and I am looking forward to joining the land of blogging again.
Awesome! I just liked your photo! Hope you win! It said to like Baby Gizmo if you’re expecting in 2011. Hope that doesn’t confuse all my friends! :)
and I liked them and then liked your photo, very cool.
took me forever to figure out how to “like” your photo. i am not very fb savvy. hope it worked. good luck!
Cool! I’ll go vote now!
Great picture! I voted.
Good for you! I’m off to vote! I had no idea you had your Ph.D. What was your major?