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April Goals 2012

I love being a mom :)

I am so happy that we got outside this month! We had one week of stunning weather, which we made the most of – but got out more overall as well! We missed both my brother and my sister’s birthdays due to being sick with icky viruses, and I am so glad we are finally healthy again after being sick for at least part of every single one of the first eleven weeks of the year. Other March goals went well – I got a photo book made, and Lily now can look through a book full of baby pictures. Still lots of catching up to do in that department, but I’ll wait for the next Winkflash flat rate photo book sale.

This last week was one of slowing down and making a lot of time for Lily, who was feeling a bit lost in all of the school shuffle. I’ve been consciously dedicating a full hour every day of just being present in her world, with a much happier two-year-old as a result. We also stayed home a lot, which always makes both her and Johnny happy. Emma was so inspired by a book from school that she came home, made a craft based off of the book, and took said craft back for show and tell. I was so proud of her!!!

monthly goals at mama smiles

Here are my goals for April:

  • Celebrate Easter in a fun and meaningful way. Target Areas: gratitude and education
  • Make the most of a week off school, plus two other vacation days! Target Areas: health, peace, and gratitude
  • Get our garden started! Target Areas: health and education
  • Sort through the kids’ clothes and toys and donate those we do not need/are not using. Target Areas: peace and gratitude
  • Finish writing up blog conference notes and go through all the stuff I brought home! Target Area: education
  • Start making space for this fourth little baby we’ll be bringing home this summer! A friend is kindly lending us a baby swing, so that’s the first thing to make space for! Target Areas: peace and gratitude

What are your goals for April? I hope you’ll link up and give me some extra motivation to get mine done!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

12 thoughts on “April Goals 2012”

  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    Love the picture!! :) You’re both gorgeous. :)

    Hurrah for the photo book and making space. And hurrah for me finally getting around to linking up… :)

  2. Homeschool Village is having a garden challenge right now, so there’s more incentive to post about your garden. I’m horrid at gardening.

    Princess is the same way, she needs some dedicated time for just her and she’s happier.

    1. Extra motivation is always good. My sister is an awesome gardener. Me, not so much, but I sure love garden-grown produce!

  3. Look at those 2 beautiful girls!!! Great goals! And the goals have goals!

    Vacation week fun is a definite goal for us. I think I might be inspired to do a little purge too.

    1. Thanks, Ann :)

      I hope we have stunning weather during April break, for LOTS of outdoor activities!

  4. I don’t have a blog post to link to but I’m a goal setting machine!! Though, I’m less organized than you are, for sure. April goals: Go on many hikes as the weather grows warmer, exercise more to prepare for pool season, give my girls more chances to read by themselves, continue our quest for learning together, and release my first freebie on my blog. General, I know … thanks for sharing!

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