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Afterschooling and Snow!

Lily enjoys our first snowfall Thursday morning

I’ve seen predictions that this winter is going to be a tough one, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that this week it snowed in October for the first time since we moved to Massachusetts. Lily especially was thrilled! She is too young to remember snow from last year, and she found the cold white crystals fascinating. She didn’t stay out for very long, since she refuses to wear a coat. Wearing this sweater was a major compromise from her point of view. Luckily she is happy to wear her pink hat that Aunt K made and sent her.

Like much of the Northeast, we have since had quite a bit more snow. Writing at 11pm Saturday night, we have lost a large chunk of our largest tree, but no more damage – and the power is still on. Hopefully that lasts, and this storm  doesn’t cause too much damage.

I spent half of this week quite ill, so we didn’t do anything very exciting. Thanks to modern medicine, I am doing much better! Emma spent a few hours teaching Johnny and Lily “school”, and we spent a lot of time drawing and painting. My big accomplishment of the week was getting in and out of Costco with a week’s worth of groceries in under half an hour. Having only Lily along for the trip definitely helped, along with a shopping list written to match the store’s layout! Mike was in town this week, and we all enjoyed having him home in the evenings!

Emma and Johnny are both enjoying school. Johnny is in a social skills class in preschool this year. He really enjoys it, and it is helping a lot. It is so exciting to have him climb in the car and start telling me about his day!


Hosted by:
Just Playin’ Around
Little Wonders’ Days
Mama Smiles
Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns
The Educators’ Spin On It
Superheroes and Princesses
What Do We Do All Day?

I’m very happy to host the Afterschool Blog Hop this weekend! Please link up any activities you and your family have enjoyed! You can use this code if you would like to add the Afterschool button to your blog:

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

11 thoughts on “Afterschooling and Snow!”

  1. At least you have power! My parents are shivering in New Jersey, and they have no ETA for power yet. What a crazy weather this year has brought! I am sorry you’ve been sick – same here, unfortunately.

    1. We lost power right after I published this post, and it still isn’t on, no ETA here either and Halloween is cancelled.

  2. I can’t believe you already got snow! We’re just now enjoying cooler weather. So sorry you’ve been sick. No fun, but glad you are feeling better!

  3. What a week! Snow?! And a big piece of one of your trees falling off??! I’m glad your house and power are OK. Glad also to hear you are doing better after being ill. At least Mike was around so you had a bit of help. Can’t imagine making it in and out of any grocery store, let alone a warehouse like Costco, in half an hour. Certainly a proud accomplishment!

  4. I’m sorry you were sick. I’m glad you are better! Snow already! I’m not looking forward to that, but I think we still have another month at least.

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