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A Playful Way to Learn Geometry and Develop Spatial Awareness

Children learn best through play. Learn how to use geometiles as a playful way to learn geometry and develop spatial awareness.

Geometiles help kids develop spatial awareness

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Have you heard of Geometiles? I had a similar toy as a child that I loved, so when we were offered to try out this geometric shapes toy I instantly agreed. I loved the similar toy I had as a child, and I feel like it helped me develop spatial awareness. We received the 96-piece set, which comes with a large resource library.

What Is Spatial Awareness?

Spatial Awarenss is the understanding of where a person or object is in space, and how that person or object interacts in space. Occupational therapists help children (and adults) develop spatial awareness about themselves in space. Playing on a playground can also develop personal spatial awareness.

Understanding how objects occupy and interact with a space is an important part of understanding math – from basic addition through advanced mathematics. Toys like Geometiles help children develop this object spatial awareness through play.

Learn Geometry and Develop Spatial Awareness Through Play

The first day we got out the Geometiles, I set my children free to play with them however they liked. Four-year-old Anna made some fascinating sculptures, and the older children built some basic shapes.

Geometiles review

After a few days of this exploratory play, I printed out a couple of the resource PDF files, and bound them using my binding machine. The kids thumbed through these resources, and came up with even more shapes.

Developing spatial awareness through play with geometiles

Geometiles creations are very solid once built. This makes them great for building structures to use with small toys like the eraser hamster Lily is holding above.

A playful way to learn geometry

Emma made these little creatures to use as pygmy puffs at her upcoming Harry Potter party. She built a small house for them as well.

Developing spatial awareness through play - math fun for kids

All of this play is making my children more aware of how geometric shapes are built, and how they can be manipulated. Such a fun way to build spatial awareness!

Do you have a spatial awareness building activity to share? How about other fun math learning activities for kids? Share your ideas on my Facebook page, or tag me on Instagram

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

4 thoughts on “A Playful Way to Learn Geometry and Develop Spatial Awareness”

  1. Those look familiar to me, like maybe I played with a toy like that as a kid, but didn’t get it for my kids? It certainly is a great way to build spatial awareness.

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