What’s your word of the year for 2019? Here’s some excellent inspiration if you’re still stuck on finding a 2019 word of the year! You’ll also love this word of the year generator.

I’ve been choosing a word of the year for years now, but I never had as much trouble as I had this year, choosing my 2019 word of the year.
Of course, nobody needs a word of the year, but I like them. Even though some years I don’t really think about them after January or February. January and February are still a great chunk of the year!
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This year I still felt undecided after writing a post on how to choose a word of a year and coding up a word of the year generator. The generator was super fun, and it gave me words like smile and joy that are fantastic, but not what I wanted for this year.
So I made a word cloud. And, no matter how many times I regenerated, Wonder was in the middle of the word cloud.
I’m sure it’s something to do with the order the words were in, but I like that word. It reminds me of the book Wonder, which the kids and I read together this year. We also watched and recommend the Wonder movie. And, if you read Wonder you should also read Auggie & Me, which covers the point of view of three of the other characters from Wonder.
2019 Word of the Year
What You'll Find on This Page

And so, I’m using Wonder as my word of the year. Because I like the middle grade fiction book by the same name, yes. But even more because I think it’s important to pay attention to the wonder in our everyday lives.
Seeing my kids over halfway grown is intimidating but also amazing. I watch them growing into these incredible people who inspire me. I want to make the most of my time with them. I also know that, all too soon, they’ll all be gone, and I need to have a world that continues to exist after they fly the nest.
In 2019, I want to make the most of my time with my kids. I’m also working to figure out which of my personal interests deserve the most of my attention. I’m wondering how best to use my resources – time, money, opportunities. I’m wondering which of my kids should go to our local public schools in the fall, and which ones should homeschool.
I’m finding wonder in sunrises, sunsets, and in watching my children learn and grow. I’m thinking 2019 could be an amazing year.
Read About Past Words of the Year
- 2015 Word of the Year
- 2016 Word of the Year
- 2017 Word of the Year
- 2018 Word of the Year
- 2019 Word of the Year
- 2020 Word of the Year
- 2021 Word of the Year
- 2022 Word of the Year
- 2023 Word of the Year
- 2024 Word of the Year
Share your 2019 word of the year in the comments below, on my Facebook page, or by tagging me on Instagram.
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Wonder is a great word of the year – being open to adventures and opportunities. I hope your sense of wonder will lead you to new places and experiences.
I hope so! I think it is a word with many possibilities.
Wonder is a great word! I like it.
I love “wonder” that’s a great word. I think mine would be “wait”. We’re approaching the homeschool finish line, and I’m starting to be restless for what might come next, but not there yet. It’s a season to wait.