My friend Andrea asked me to write a list of 15 things you might not know about me that I’m not too scared to admit. Here they are…
- I eat Ghiradelli 60% cocoa chocolate chips nearly every day.
- My favorite food is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies made with Guittard chocolate chips. Guittard, please start selling your chocolate chips on the East Coast?
- I met my husband the first day of college freshman orientation. We were so obviously smitten with each other that my roommate asked me that night if I thought he was “the one”. I didn’t answer because I realized he just might be and that was a scary thought…
- I once took a job that required a 2-hour bus commute each direction from where we lived. I read a lot of books on those buses that year, but I don’t remember what any of them were about.
- I took a (different) bus to the hospital to have my daughter.
- I can type really fast – accuracy depends how tired I am and whether or not a child is sitting on my lap.
- I’m claustrophobic.
- I choke on water at least once a week.
- I once got a part in a theatrical production because I “looked androgynous” (to quote the director at our first full cast meeting).
- I have five sisters and four brothers. They are awesome.
- I don’t get bad morning sickness (so far at least!) but being pregnant gives me insomnia. For all nine months.
- I love to chew crushed ice even though it’s bad for my teeth and drives my husband crazy.
- My favorite colors as a little girl were purple and pink. I remember coloring entire pages pink and purple. No drawings, no details – just lots and lots of pink and lots and lots of purple.
- As a toddler I ate the felt tips off of most of my older siblings’ Crayola markers. I remember doing this. The markers did not taste good, but eating them was irresistable. That’s why Crayola products are non-toxic.
- I’ve been a cancer survivor for as long as I can remember (diagnosed at 22 months).
What are 15 things people don’t realize about you?
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
That was very interesting, I love your blog btw.
Semi-sweet. Although the cookies are really good if you mix half semi-sweet and half milk chocolate…
I’m a Guittard fan. Do you use the milk chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate chips? I had semi-sweet ones in my oatmeal this morning. OK, healthy breakfasts is not my strong point.