Home » other » Wordless Wednesday: Turkeys in a Tree

8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Turkeys in a Tree”

  1. HA.. as I was clicking through I was wondering if there would really be turkeys (or kids) in the trees! Very cool shot. I didn’t realize they’d roost so high! We have plenty of wild turkey around here but I’ve never seen them in the tree.

  2. Oh how cool! When we lived in northern Michigan we always had to look out for wild turkeys so we didn’t hit them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in a tree! (Near our current house we have a bald eagle that I keep seeing in a tree. Every time I have the camera with me, the darn bird is never there!)

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    That is so cool! I never think of turkeys perching in trees, but there they are. :)

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