Week in Review

This week was very exciting! We transformed this:

old floorInto this!

new floor

So, I guess our afterschooling this week was primarily learning about how you replace a floor. Or cover it up, technically. I could already touch our ceiling standing on my toes, and now I only have to lift half my foot off the ground to reach it. I would have loved to remove the tiles, but those things were grouted in like I never saw before. So, they got to stay, hidden by some gorgeous wood. It’s amazing what a difference a calm floor makes in a home, especially when you have a swirly, low-set ceiling.

This project, though, was a ton of work! We hired someone to install the actual floor, but I had to empty out each room the night before, find somewhere to put the stuff, unpack the next day… Didn’t quite finish the unpacking bit, because the day after they finished the floors we packed up and drove up north! We’re spending this next week in Montreal, doing a lot more unschooling than afterschooling! Mike’s mom and grandma are along for the trip, so it’s great grandparent time as well!

With summer officially over, I also took a look at our Summer Bucket List. We did pretty well, apart from my still-abandoned sewing projects and my vain attempts to rescue blueberries and strawberries from our local wildlife.

How was your week? If you have afterschooling activities to link up, visit Julie’s blog for the linky this week!

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

20 thoughts on “Week in Review”

  1. Your floor looks really beautiful! Enjoy your trip to Montreal, it’s probably awesome time weather-wise to visit that beautiful city!

  2. What a difference! And that’s a great lesson for kids. My son spent yesterday planting bulbs. :-) Sometimes it’s the real-life lessons that work best for afterschooling. Have a wonderful trip! And thanks for the reminder about the bucket list. I’ll have to see how we did on ours as well. Thanks for linking up this week!

  3. They look gorgeous! I love wood floors. Jeff keeps threatening to put tile in upstairs, but I’d potentially be willing to do wood upstairs, but the noise…….

  4. I bet the low ceilings a good for cosy winter warmth! We’re in our first house with wood floors, and I love them. Glad you’re getting to enjoy some, too!!

    What a lot of work, though! Enjoy your road trip. :)

    1. Low ceilings are definitely energy efficient! I miss the light from higher ceilings (which often include higher windows).

      I love the feel of wood floors, so far!

  5. Those are gorgeous. The color is very similar to my floors but mine are dull and dirty of course. :-)

    I’d love to see more pictures!

    1. It’s that low throughout the house, except the playroom that has a vaulted ceiling (and was built as an addition).

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