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Destructive Mode

The work of one three-year-old, left alone for three minutes:


Still, a vast improvement over yesterday (she and Johnny emptied their toy chest and every single article of clothing from their dressers while I cooked dinner)

This morning’s destruction even brought some benefits:


MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

9 thoughts on “Destructive Mode”

  1. Destruction happens here on a daily basis! The other day I asked sunnyboy who put the pasta in the cd player and he immediately said “I did it” all proud of himself :) I love the picture of them reading the books, they look completely engrossed.

  2. My puppy Jake got into the knitting yarn in the wee hours and scattered (and rolled) the yarn, the needles, the crochet hooks, and the unfinished knitting all over.

    I must have been impressive because he never did it again.

  3. That picture looks so familiar! The same thing has happened so many times in our house; in fact, it happened yesterday. :) I’m trying to be better about letting the kids know it’s their responsibility to clean up these messes instead of doing it for them – but sometimes I know it will just be so much faster and easier to do myself!

  4. We children are evil. Okay, okay not evil but we definitely TROUBLE with a capital T! Good thing our mommies love us anyways!


  5. ah… aren’t kids amazing? They can do so much in such a short time. :) sweet picture of them reading together, though!

  6. It could have been worse, mine poured Cheerios everywhere this morning. I was half tempted to leave them on the floor so they could snack on them all day.

  7. Oh MaryAnne, what a high calling motherhood is, for us to repeatedly pick up uncannily-identical messes day in and day out! It is crazy what the little ones can do when our backs are turned. Am glad your kids got some good out of their er… creative expression of er… home (un)organization! Funny post (although I hesitated to say this at first because I remembered how unfunny it was to be pregnant and clearing up after small children)! Have a great weekend!

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